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PODCAST: Jesuit Martyrs – Reflections & Justice Served

Fr. Don MacMillan, S.J., is a campus minister at Boston College reflects on the sentencing hearing of Inocente Orlando Montano and his personal experience of the loss of the Salvadoran Jesuit martyrs and their companions in 1989. Fr. MacMillan joins us from his office at Boston College.

Baby Stepping into 2013

New Year’s Resolutions don’t work. At least they don’t work for me. 2002: Get in Shape. 1999: Learn a New Language. How did those work out for me? Well, let’s just move on. So I haven’t made them in about a decade because I used to find that I would forget about them by mid-to-late January. By that time each year something else had grabbed my attention and that capital “R” Resolution had slowly faded into the din of my life.

Giving and Receiving During Christmastime

Depending upon the type of person you are, Christmas shopping may already be a thing of the past. Maybe you start planning and buying in July so that these final weeks are filled with more home-time than mall-time.