
Whiteclay, NE: Boycott Bud, Support Pine Ridge

BY ISN STAFF | February 12, 2013 written by: David Fuxa, Creighton University '13 People are confronted with moral issues on almost a daily basis; please read on to discover another that the Ignatian Family ought to be aware of and responding…

Worth Reading: The Economics of Immigration

We can’t take all the credit, but there has been a surprising push in recent months amongst the political classes to seriously address reforming our broken immigration system. Not only is immigration a focus of the Ignatian Family Advocacy Month, but we have plans released in the last weeks from both a bi-partisan group of US Senators and President Obama. Now, thanks to Time magazine, we have even more reasons to support serious and comprehensive immigration reform. Reporter Christopher Matthews has gathered research showing that the immigration reform will be a benefit to the US economy. It’s an article that’s worth reading.

I can only say what I have seen

I must first warn you I cannot speak of truth or objectivity. I can only say what I have seen, what I thought I saw and what I hoped to see. If you are looking for a serious public policy opinion with graphs and equations then maybe this piece is not for you. At first glance it may seem too disjointed, too subjective or perhaps even improbable.

Fair Trade USA & Partners Release Report on Fair Trade Certified Apparel

Fair Trade USA's Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) for apparel released a report on the recently completed Fair Trade Certified™ apparel pilot program. Launched in 2010 after an extensive feasibility study and stakeholder consultation period, the pilot project was the first global program to certify facilities making clothing and accessories with a consumer label to signal social and environmental sustainability.

Using the Love in Your Heart

It took a trip to the other side of the world for me to realize that sometimes, solidarity just means being there. Our team spent a little more than a week in rural Tamil Nadu, in the southern part of India. Much of our time was spent at Loyola Higher Secondary School where we taught for one day, but much of our time on campus was spent with Dalit, or "untouchable," children.

Was every 30-second spot really worth $3.7 million?

But the bigger question on social media was not the final outcome for the Ravens and 49ers. It was the commercials! Were we as impressed as we should have been? Did Volkswagen and eTrade really convince us to buy their products? Was every 30-second spot really worth $3.7 million?

Try to Talk to People No Matter How Hard

Before our flight took off we were given the routine instruction to turn off our cell phones, for me it marked the beginning of a week of detachment from technology, my daily routine and life as I formerly knew it. As I prepared to power down my phone I received one last text message.
Super Bowl Advertisements

Super Bowl 2013 – What would you do with $3.7 million?

The average cost for a 30-second Super Bowl commercial will be $3.7 million this year. Yup, we said "million." We are looking for folks interested in sharing the impact this amount of money could have for their social justice issue of passion, in 250 words or less.

Seeing Stars, Even in the Bright of Day

Many of my days are unremarkable – filled with a mix of grace and laughter, monotony and routine, but unremarkable nonetheless. And then there are the other ones. You’ve had them, too, I’m sure. The ones you will always remember, as they hold moments that mark us forever. Joyful ones, painful ones, seemingly simple ones, and ones where we can hardly breathe, our hearts full of awe… or grief… or fear.

How can you best impact the health of people living in poverty?

Today, the world faces many challenges. With the world’s deep inequalities in the burden of disease and access to care, it can be daunting to face these issues on an individual basis. As a member of the Ignatian Solidarity Network, you believe in a preferential option for the poor in health care. But how can you as an individual best impact the health of people living in poverty?

Best Intentions

We all know the routine – either on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s day, someone asks, “Hey, Carrie, what’s your New Year’s resolution this year?” And then, out of desperation, most of reach for tried and true statements such as losing weight or exercising more. But we all know that somewhere around mid-February, these best intentions for a new way of being fall away in the business of our normal ways.
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PODCAST: Jesuit Martyrs – Reflections & Justice Served

Fr. Don MacMillan, S.J., is a campus minister at Boston College reflects on the sentencing hearing of Inocente Orlando Montano and his personal experience of the loss of the Salvadoran Jesuit martyrs and their companions in 1989. Fr. MacMillan joins us from his office at Boston College.

Baby Stepping into 2013

New Year’s Resolutions don’t work. At least they don’t work for me. 2002: Get in Shape. 1999: Learn a New Language. How did those work out for me? Well, let’s just move on. So I haven’t made them in about a decade because I used to find that I would forget about them by mid-to-late January. By that time each year something else had grabbed my attention and that capital “R” Resolution had slowly faded into the din of my life.

Giving and Receiving During Christmastime

Depending upon the type of person you are, Christmas shopping may already be a thing of the past. Maybe you start planning and buying in July so that these final weeks are filled with more home-time than mall-time.

Love in Action: Conversations with Women Religious

Around the globe, "women for others" have been working for the rights of others, and we call these women religious Sisters.
Peace Dove

In response to the horrific act of violence in Newtown, Connecticut

In response to the horrific act of violence in Newtown, Connecticut yesterday (12/14/12) we offer a few resources on gun violence and Catholic teaching on this issue which can be found below.

Advent – A Time To Believe

Several years ago, while praying on Christmas Eve, I was having an imaginative contemplation of the stable where Mary was laboring.  It was dark, musty, and surprisingly warm and quiet.  Except, of course, for the labored breathing and…

Christmas: Take Back Control of this Season

So why should the season of Advent, the liturgical season of great hope for Christians, become so empty? So frivolous? So antithetical to the spirit of love, generosity, and divinity?

Christmas in Solidarity – Daily Advent Practices

Daily Advent practices grounded in solidarity...

Advent: An Invitation to Be Transformed

When you think about it, Advent – and Lent, retreats, regular prayer & reflection – are our recharging stations, places where we make room for contemplation, for new insights, intentions and unexpected new directions.

Christmas Gifts that Value the Rights of Workers & the Environment

Our interns have taken on the role of Santa's elves, coming up with a list of online merchants offering a plethora of products that value the rights of workers and the environment.